Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ready for Ridin'

Emma's First Xmas

Emma gets ready for her first Xmas.

She's so excited!

Everyone gave her such nice gifts.

But opening so many gifts is hard work.

Time for a little snooze with Daddy.

She is so sweet!
All rested up, Emma is ready for more Xmas fun.

She's so proud of her new blocks.

She just loved all the gifts

And she played long into the night.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Jingle Bell Time is a Swell Time

Our little Sugar Plum

Oh, Christmas tree...

Making merry

Oh Christmas Tree...

Don't worry, folks, it's still wrapped.  No Candy Canes were harmed or ingested in the taking of this photo.

Holding her own..

Emma can hold her own bottle now.  Time flies!

Rainforest Jumperoo

Emma liked her Jumping Jenny, but now that she's a big girl (6 mos old!)  she started jumping into the door frame.  Ouch!

Mommy and Daddy remedied the situation with a Jumperoo courtesy Craigslist.  It's a lot safer, and Emma loves it, too!  A win-win for the Makseyn Family!

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Donning gay apparel

Checkin' out the goods

Emma's First Christmas Tree

Emma liked looking at the Christmas Tree with Daddy.

She's such a sweetie!  She's the best Christmas present Mommy and Daddy could ever hope for.


Emma had a play date with Henri, Nora and Edie; the little ones Mommy used to nanny.  Henri wasn't sure he wanted to share Daddy Nick's lap.

After a few Clementines Henri decided Emma wasn't all bad.  Nora went with the flow; she has a younger sister after all, so sharing laps is nothing new.  Emma was VERY impressed with the big kids.  We hope to have another play date soon!

On the Move


Christmas Cutie